This page contains links to Social Security Laws, Regulations, Rulings, program policy and procedure documents.
- The Compilation of the Social Security Laws — The full text of the Social Security Act, as Amended, prepared for use of the House Ways and Means Committee.
- Compilation of the Social Security Laws, Volume II — provisions from other laws cited in the Social Security Act or affecting programs administered under the Act, and Appendixes.
- The Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Title 20, Parts 400-499 — Federal regulations dealing with Social Security.
- The Social Security Handbook — A summary of Social Security laws and procedures, written for the use of the general public.
- Social Security Rulings and Acquiescence Rulings
- The Program Operations Manual System (POMS) — SSA's primary manual of policy and procedures for the Agency's field personnel.
- The Hearings, Appeals, and Litigation Law Manual (HALLEX) — operating procedures used by the Office of Hearings Operations for handling appeals of Agency decisions.